Rushed to market? Dont know, but its not working as advertised. On a new 3GS, when the app is opened it seems to take a pic every 2.5 seconds even when the camera lens is covered and the motion detection bar is showing zero. Notice I said "seems to take a pic"? Yeah, about that....It makes the shutter sound like a picture is being taken, but none ever show up on the camera roll. Even when enough motion is introduced to clearly snap a pic. No pics, no how.
So, logical thing to do is visit the Senstic web site for support, right? Well good luck, cause "Motion Detector" isnt listed as one of their iPhone products, nor listed in their forum, at least as of the time of writing of this review.
So bottom line: It doesnt work at all for me and theres no support on the Senstic web site. Wasted $3.
Otherhand about Motion Detector