Updated Review (version 1.1):
Worth the price. If improved, worth more. (Id pay for an upgrade with the added feature of image export!) Foremost improvement would be to document the application!
The UI is tricky to get to work. If you immediately start monitoring the camera, it looks like it works, but when you stop, the app just quits. That had me confused, and there was no documentation to say otherwise (not even on their web site).
The trick seems to be to press the i carefully (if you miss, it starts to monitor the camera, as above). That brings up the options, of which Trigger Recorder has the default of OFF, so when first installed, the application will not be recording images nor sending email notifications. Set Trigger Record to ON, and voila! The next time it runs, you get motion detected image captures! IT WORKS! YAY!
Deleting images requires an unusual, uncommon UI. Swipe right-to-left across the thumbnail of an image group to reveal a delete key. (More usual would be the edit button at the top of the list revealing the red circle enable-delete keys with a delete button for confirmation, but oh well.) There does not seem to be a way to delete unneeded images from a set of captured images, nor can one easily exit the image review process - you cant return until youve watched to the last image. (Or maybe there is more non-obvious UI awaiting discovery).
Cleaner UI would make first time users happier. Most missed feature is image export.
Original Review (same version 1.1):
Running on a new iPhone 3GS, the motion detect bar reacts to movement, but after an hour in a busy room, no photos, no video. Nothing.
No documentation on the web site, either.
Tapping the (i) quits the application. I would have expected info? settings?
However, the concept is cool. Has anyone seen this version work?
Halmirth about Motion Detector